I get stopped with surprising regularity by other dog-walkers who are curious about Reggie's boots. Since winter is far from over (note: I take precisely zero pleasure in pointing that out), it could be useful to revisit an EXTREMELY important blog post from back in November and share more details about my pup's trusty footwear. Here's the scoop.
Reg wears Pawz rubber boots in size small. Seemingly, they are nothing fancy or special, and yet... They're the best!
Pawz aren't designed for warmth, but they WILL keep abrasive salt and pebbles off your dog's skin, while also preventing slush from getting uncomfortably stuck between their toes. Once on their feet, the boots form a decent airtight seal, and are basically waterproof until the rubber gets torn.
Best of all, the boots can't be kicked off lol.
Long story short: Perfect footwear for dogs who hate boots (i.e. most dogs) and need a waterproof barrier against wintery city sidewalks (i.e. all dogs). Happy trekking!

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