Saturday, May 30, 2020

Wine Cheat Sheet: An Easy Red

It's the weekend. Must be time for another boozy recommendation!

Back in March, I was feverishly adding bottles to my online cart at the SAQ, trying to stockpile enough wine to get us through lockdown (#priorities), when my eyes were drawn to a bottle of red from Spain:

I am totally guilty of judging a wine by its label. This one is so pretty.

Being completely unfamiliar with Espelt, a quick google revealed decent reviews. I decided the brand was a safe bet, added a bottle to my order, then checked out.

Very happy to say the gamble paid off! The wine is full bodied but not heavy, tastes sweet, works chilled or room temp. Basically really versatile and easy to drink. I suspect Espelt will become a trusty everyday red for me, and I can even see it being a solid crowd pleaser.

Plus, I conducted an independent study and can confirm this wine is very delicious with pizza ;)

Espelt isn't available online at the moment, but seems to be very well-stocked in SAQs around the city, and costs under $15. Assuming everything I said sounds good to you lol, if you're shopping for red wine and spot this bottle on the shelf, give it a shot!

Is there a red you swear by and think I should try next? I'm open to suggestions :)

Image credit (top): Wine Enthusiast
Image credit (bottle): SAQ


  1. Independent study lolll
    I love a subtle Pinot with my pizza, from Oregon or France. California Pinot is way too sweet

    1. Wine from Oregon? Literally brand new information for me!


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