Happy Friday, folks! You might have noticed the weather is getting FRIGID AF in Montreal. Not exactly ideal for ice-clinking cocktails. Instead, cheat the system and treat yourself to a heated boozy beverage. (Or several!)
Here are four well-known warm-you-up drinks -- perfect for when it's too cold for Moscow Mules and hot chocolate simply won't do the trick.
For your reference, each cocktail is linked back to several recipes :)

Made with lemon and honey, Hot Toddies are basically a home remedy for the common cold but... y'know... with whisky lol.
Crucial ingredients: Whisky, honey, lemon, and hot water.
Variations: Steep a tea bag in the drink (the only way I've ever had these). Switch to bourbon. Soak cinnamon and/or star of anise into your cup.
Mulled Wine reminds me of Nuit Blanche in Montreal. Specifically: Staving off frost bite by finally acquiring the stuff and fusing my hands to its warm cup. (For the record, regarding Nuit Blanche, it still blows my mind that some cruel person decided to hold a city-wide, overnight, and largely outdoor event IN THE DEAD OF WINTER. What?)
Crucial ingredients: Red wine (something sweet and fruity is ideal), star of anise, orange juice, and a cinnamon stick.
Variations: Add brandy or rum to the wine-based concoction. Maple syrup or honey, too.

Truthfully, I'm not the biggest fan of Irish Coffee. The combo of caffeine and booze makes me gag (how charming). However, I know when to give credit where it's due, and this cocktail is a crowd-pleasing classic.
Crucial ingredients: Irish whisky (Jameson is an easy choice), freshly brewed black coffee (hot obviously), brown sugar, and whipped cream.
Variations: Sub maple syrup for sugar. Try Bailey's instead of whipped cream -- or use both, depending on your sweet tooth.
Hot Buttered Rum is the only drink on this list that I have yet to try! Which is odd because all its components are right up my alley.
Crucial ingredients: Dark or gold rum, brown sugar, cinnamon, hot water.
Variations: Some recipes call for actual butter. You can also add cream (heavy, whipped, or ice) (pretty much all the cream).
So, which one are you making tonight? :)
Image credit (top): The Dyrt
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