My response: Guilty as charged.
Those questionable nutrition choices most notably extend to snack food. I get unreasonably excited when restaurants do *fancy* takes on classic children's junk food. Crémy bakes versions of Ah Caramel and Joe Louis, McKiernan has their Deep N' Delicious chocolate cake, Epicerie Conserva made Whippets last weekend. Don't even get me started on Claire Saffitz's famous Gourmet Makes series for Bon Appétit!
However, as much as I love elevated junk food, nothing quite replaces the real deal. So, after too much consideration, I somehow narrowed down my top five favorite kid snacks that I still eat today :)

5. Teddy Grahams
TBH, I can go years without even thinking about Teddy Grahams, but as soon as they enter my periphery, I will go through a whole box with ease. (Especially if they're chocolate chip.) Graham crackers are kind of underrated -- they're juuust sweet enough that you can't get sick of them.
Side note: I still feel bad when I grab a dismembered and/or beheaded teddy from the batch lol.
4. Twinkie's
When I was a kid, Twinkie's weren't available in Quebec, thus making them my personal Holy Grail of snack cakes. Look, I know they are basically poison... But THEY TASTE SO GOOD in the most cloying, greasy, delicious way. Original flavor only -- none of this limited edition garbage like pumpkin spice or strawberry cream.
There's also a really good Gourmet Makes featuring Twinkie's! If you have eleven minutes to spare, check it out. Warning: You might spend your day watching the rest of Claire's videos. (The Cheetos episode is a lot of fun.)
3. Goldfish
My one-year old nephew and I share a passion for these crunchy, tangy treats. I actually contend that Goldfish are a relatively mature cracker. Prove me wrong! Have you ever sprinkled a handful of fishies on top of tomato soup? It's a very classy move.

2. Pop Tarts
Only frosted Pop Tarts, though. (Strawberry with sprinkles, specifically.)
1. May West
The ultimate lunchbox dessert! It's crucial to always go for a large May West -- the cream-to-chocolate ratio is all wrong with the small ones.
Obviously, I need to know: Which are your favorite? Were you Gushers and Fruit Roll-Up kinda kid, or did your taste swing closer to Swiss Rolls and Fudgee-Os?
Image credit (top): Food & Wine Magazine
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