Time for a literary catch-up. Since I haven't finished a book -- or really even started one -- in February, here's what I read last month...

Man, these were such unbelievably unlikable characters. You will only find two tolerable people in the whole novel: Solly, who basically serves as a literary construct designed to bolster sympathy for his father; and Rachel, who we're supposed to fucking loathe from the onset, because... a grouchy narrator tells us to? Frankly, in moments where I felt myself getting on-board with the story, I'd be pushed right back off when a character said/did an annoying, cringe-y, or mean-spirited thing -- which happened a lot.
Normally, when I'm struggling to get through a book, I let myself off the hook at the 100-page mark and move on. However, I'd been looking forward to Fleishman for a really long time, and was therefore super reluctant to give up on the story. I skimmed through the second half of the book and was relieved when it was over. (Sorry for the all the haterade.)
Nothing Good Can Come From This, by Kristi Coulter.
I can read dry, funny first-person essays all day long. This one maps the highs and lows of the author's break-up, so to speak, with alcohol. The book has tons of LOL-worthy moments, but it also has an equal amount of heavy, sometimes painful anecdotes and observations about strength, addiction, and human nature. Coulter's writing is self-aware, super thoughtful, so smart. I continue to find myself inspired by her determination :)
Mrs. Everything, by Jennifer Weiner.
Profoundly enjoyed this book! It hit all my favorite notes: female-driven, coming-of-age, multi-generational. The story left an emotional weight in my chest that was surprisingly hard to shake. Full disclosure: I cried at the end. (Which, in my book, is sign of a new favorite title being added to the collection.)
Have you read anything good lately?
Image credit: Oprah Magazine
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