I liked it a lot!
Watching the show the definitely scratched an old itch of mine :) and the soundtrack has been a Spotify mainstay all week.
I could say oodles about Hamilton's lyrics, costumes, casting (all beyond brilliant!) but I'd rather talk about my favorite part of the show...

No one told me Bill Tench's BFF was in the cast!!
He has an incredible singing voice, too?!
This was a very thrilling turn of events lol.
It's hardly surprising that I gravitated toward his character. Oddly, when it comes to musicals, villainous songs are the ones I end up loving most. Ursula, Mama Morton, Roxanne, to name a small handful. Their music usually adds a darker dimension to the story. They also happen to be super catchy.
Plus, in KG III's case, his performance is very funny.
I've been singing his songs aloud all week (much to Reggie's dismay).
Being such a ridiculously successful production, I figured Hamilton would start a travelling tour and, eventually, end up at Salle Wilfred Pelletier. Until that time comes, I'm very happy to settle for watching it at home :)
Have you seen it? Are you planning to? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Image credit (top): Rolling Stone
Image credit (bottom): Cosmopolitan
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