Hi there!
Ready for the monthly ramble?
Lately, my thoughts are largely consumed by the fact that I've been home since March, I.E. five months, I.E. a long ass time! Thankfully, my version of Pandemic Mode looks a lot different than it did then -- less fearful and panic-stricken, allowing myself more space to feel at ease, but always always always being cautious.
Between trying out new pizza places and coping with a cancelled music festival, to celebrating the third anniversary of becoming a dog-mom and chipping away at my reading list, August is treating me extremely well. In fact, this entire summer has been memorable. Granted, there were moments when social distancing made it unimaginably weird. Then again, it was also my first full-fledged summer vacation since tenth grade, and you won't catch me complaining about it!
Let's get very transparent: Yes, I like finding silver linings to crappy situations, but I'm no wide-eyed Pollyanna. Early on, I deeply resented having to choose between health and wealth, ultimately staying home to safeguard my well-being. Looking back, getting frustrated was wasted energy. Once I adjusted my mindset, I saw my situation for its potential as a priceless opportunity. In all likelihood, I won't have another work-free summer for at least thirty years. Why not make the most of this one? I am (and will continue to be) profoundly grateful for the freedom, fun, and peace of mind the last few months have yielded :)
If anyone is actually reading this, I hope you are having an exceptional August and squeezing all the sunshine you can out of summer! Now, if you'll excuse me, the mailman just delivered my latest haul of new books and I want to UNBOX THAT STUFF ASAP.
Until next time,
Stef xo
Image credit: Popsugar
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