My 34th birthday is looming.
Thirty. Four. Am I really that old?
In the spirit of self-reflection, I compiled a list of lessons learned over the last 365 days.
01. Alone time is sacred. Even -- maybe even especially -- during a global pandemic. Carve some out for yourself.
02. Wrinkles and pimples can co-exist on your face.
03. Being a workaholic and ~always sooo stressed~ isn’t a personality trait. On a similar note: If your boss refers to their staff as oNe bIG faMiLY, get the fuck out of there pronto.
04. Gradually developing an obsession with weather forecasts might be an inevitable part of getting older. (Accuweather is my app of choice, in case you're wondering.)
05. Only YOU can stop yourself from eating ice cream literally every day.
06. Accept that you won't see eye to eye with everyone on everything. As long as people aren't getting hurt, just agree to disagree, then move on. HOWEVER. If someone's behavior and/or opinions are damaging to others, do your best to shut that shit down. Respectfully ;)
07. Be heavy-handed with oil, butter, seasonings when cooking. This is what makes restaurant food so good.
08. Jot down a to-do list every night, even if there’s only one thing on it. Having this handy the next morning will help give your day direction when you lack inspiration/momentum.
09. Waking up to a tidy kitchen (empty sink, shiny counters, tucked in chairs) feels very ~mature~ and is a nice, relaxing way to start the day.
10. The city of Montreal recycles all plastic EXCEPT #6.
11. I like to garden, kind of.
12. Watching Reggie snooze will never not look adorable.
13. Three cold brews before noon are too many cold brews.
14. Speak up for yourself + ask for what you want.
15. This damn quote: "The only people who get upset about setting boundaries are the ones who were benefiting from you having none."
16. Ways I like to meditate: getting a haircut, splurging on a good manicure, using a face serum that smells amazing, pouring a cold glass of rosé, playing sudoku in pen, watering the garden. All things whose value I overlooked (or fully took for granted) pre-pandemic, and ardently cherish doing now.
17. Most people shouldn't be defined by their past, their worst mistakes, or their bad days.
18. Yes, it is possible to kill a snake plant.
19. Feeling stressed? Go for a walk. Keep walking until your mind is more clear.
20. Hangovers in your thirties are way worse than people say.
21. GO TO BED ALREADY. Turns out, putting yourself to bed at a reasonable hour feels awesome. (As opposed to waking up on the couch at 2am after passing out during an episode of Broad City, which feels like torture.)
22. Use your privileges to help other people. Doesn't have to be a loud, showy gesture. Sign petitions, send e-mails to gatekeepers (politicians, community leaders, company execs, etc), or just stop to see if that person crying on the sidewalk is okay.
23. Donate what you can, when you can. Better to send five dollars to a charity, or an afternoon of your time volunteering, than giving nothing. You won't regret it.
24. I am pretty good at cooking, I just don't always like doing it.
25. SLOW DOWN. You don't actually owe anyone anything (rightthissecond!!!) just because they tell you so.
26. I have never spent so. much. time. in my own apartment before, and have learned that a cozy living space exponentially improves my inner peace.
27. Setting goals is important. Not always reaching them is okay, too. Cut yourself slack as needed. Challenge yourself in small ways, as opposed to making sweeping large-scale changes that are ultimately untenable.
28. I'm still not a podcast person. You'd think a year-long lockdown would've turned the tables around!
29. I started leaving a glass of water on my nightstand before bed. (This is the best insurance against thirst-induced late-night trips to the kitchen.) First thing in the morning, I drink whatever is left, then know I definitely got at least a little hydration that day.
30. I will accidentally-on-purpose consume pizza for dinner three nights out of four. And feel fine about it.
31. Doing arm workouts with 2lb free weights is shockingly, embarrassingly tough.
32. Hugging loved ones is the best, but not-hugging people is also pretty great. Like, you can JUST SAY BYE and part ways, zero body contact required. Always thought I was a hugger. Turns out, unless you're my friend or my parents, I'm okay if we don't touch.
33. Sometimes, happiness is a choice. Choose it whenever you can.
So, that's that! Thanks for reading and, as always, for joining me on this goofy blogging journey :)
Image credit: Symmetry Magazine
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