This note might end up sounding a helluva lot like the last one because, well, not much has changed since June. Personally, I'm thrilled by the extended slowdown -- it just doesn't make for the most compelling blog content lol.
I'm making a huge dent in my Ice Cream Passport (if such a thing existed). Finally tried Unicone (sooo good) and basically walk to Ca Lem on a weekly basis for a cone of their latest soft serve. Let's be serious, though -- when it's over thirty degrees out, every single ice cream spot in the city is fantastic, and we're lucky to have them all!

There's also been a great deal of worshipping at the altar of our new air conditioner. That machine was the best boring, grown-up purchase we've ever made. It's just difficult getting Reggie to understand when it's too damn hot for his smooshed-faced self to play outside. Does anyone else have that problem with their pup?
Another big part of the new routine: Watching my plants grow! Watering them each morning feels tedious, but seeing a fuchsia carnation burst open -- from a plant I was CONVINCED I'd overwatered to death -- is surprisingly satisfying and (dare I say) even exciting! I promised a post about our patio garden, and I swear I'll get to it. Eventually.
In truth, being in a perpetual state of Groundhog Day can play with your mind. Sunny days are generally a breeze, but being stuck indoors on rainier ones gets stifling. However, regardless of how a day shakes out, I remind myself to stay grateful for good health, great loved ones, and being privileged enough to stay safe at home during uncertain times. Planning to take that gratitude with me as we step into a new month :)
See you in August!
Stef xx
Image credit: Verywell Fit
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